New Brakes $100 


Customers can buy a new copyright movie production that is guaranteed in theaters!! Hire Microwavio ™ for entertainment services. Vending machine STORE location, $3 Gauntlets (tm) beverages, are for sale Friday 1pm-1:05pm.

470 SwallowsChapel rd. #B

Cookeville, Tn 38506

We are doing it for



Microwavio's tm is a food manufacturer that is HiRiNG! :

-Energy Drink Brand worker/marketing ($1,000 salary)

-Bikini models $20 per hour (over 18)

Send resume pic to address! No experience, no equipment needed! no longer offers phone and email contacts. Please send postal letter.



Kappa Tak Sorority Apartments ™

$500 month ba share. Located aprox 15 miles north of Cookeville. Great for college age women.

Send application. Contract rules include no guests, registered tenants only.


© All Rights Reserved.



Customers can buy a $1,000,000 new copyright movie production that is guaranteed in theaters!! Any story, any genre, Microwavio can write, film and complete a new copyright movie!


Microwavio's tm

No international shipping. 

Prices and services are negotiable.

Not located within Cookeville city limits. Microwavio does not agree to verbal contracts.